Cameron Van Beek

Cameron Van Beek


Cameron is a third-year law student at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law pursuing a J.D. with a certificate in Corporate and Commercial law. Cameron is originally from Wisconsin and graduated from Wheaton College, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Political Science. Prior to attending law school, Cameron worked as a campaign manager, substitute teacher, and at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C.

In addition to serving as the Editor-in-Chief of Race to the Bottom, Cameron is a Co-President of the Business Law Society. Between his second and third years of law school, Cameron is working as a law clerk at Feldmann Nagel Cantafio & Song PLLC. Prior to this, Cameron externed in the legal departments of Janus Henderson Investors as part of the law schools’ Corporate Apprenticeship Program and at the National MS Society.

Cameron is interested in all areas of corporate law but has a passion for securities, corporate governance, and contract drafting. Outside of law school, Cameron is an avid swimmer and enjoys spending time in the mountains and with friends. He likes listening to music and playing the piano. He also likes exploring the Denver food and coffee scene, as well as local breweries.

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